About ESE Insurance

E.S.E Benefit and Insurance Advisors is an independently owned and operated insurance brokerage firm, specializing in disability and life insurance for affluent and unique individuals.


Headquartered in Springfield Mass, ESE has been providing unique solutions through the domestic and excess markets for over 20 years. We focus on a ground up approach, providing expertise not only in the domestic market, but in the excess markets as well.

What is the Domestic Market?

The domestic market is the disability market that is located here in the U.SA. Carriers like MassMutual, Northwestern Mutual, Guardian and Mutual of Omaha are just a few of the domestic disability insurance carriers. They underwrite, accept premium, provide a policy and pay the claim. Coverage is often provided by an employer, L.T.D, or purchased by the individual.

What is the Excess Market?

The excess market is found outside of a traditional or domestic carrier. One large and popular excess market is Lloyds of London. Lloyds of London is not an insurance company, but rather a market. This market must be accessed through a certified Managing General Underwriter. E.S.E Advisor work very closely with top M.G.U’s, getting you the best possible rate an offering from multiple excess outlets, shepherding your cases through the complex disability markets.

Your clients rely on you to navigate the continuously changing disability insurance world. Let us navigate those waters for you. With top relationships around the world, ESE will obtain coverage from dollar zero upward.

Why E.S.E?

E.S.E is dedicated to providing the utmost professionalism and service for unique and high-income earners. We have extensive knowledge in providing the proper benefits for the following occupational classes:

Executives • Athletes • Sports Risks • Entertainers • Attorneys • Medical Professionals • Unique Occupations • Groups

Here at E.S.E we know how difficult if can be to deal with multiple disability options, markets and offerings, causing confusing for your clients. This creates strain and stress and the possibility that you clients will not be adequately covered. E.S.E utilizes 20 plus years of experience to properly design, educate and present domestic and excess offerings for your affluent clients. Our mission is to deliver the best offering from the best source and remove the headaches that surround a disability offering. We help earn commission on your existing book and present your clients with all the tools to adequately protect their incomes.