ESE offers a wide array of carriers for both life and Disability. Build your clients base protection with some of the best carriers in the US. Don’t hesitate to contacts us with your potential cases.

Excess High Limit Through excess market.

E.S.E Has access to multiple excess market Outlets allowing us to perfectly tailor the needed disability coverage.

Individual DI

Personally owned Income replacement up to 70% of earned income.
-Coverage up to an above $100,000 per month
-Own occupation definition
-Lump sum options available
-Elimination periods of 60,90,180 days and 12 months
-5 year policy terms
-60 Month benefits followed by a potential lump sum pay out
-Benefit is calculated to take the client to age 67

Key Person DI

Protect your key employees with 3rd party owned Key Person Disability coverage.
-3rd Party owned protection of key individuals
-Lump sum and monthly benefits
-Lump sum benefits of $50,000,000 and up.
-Elimination periods of 12 months
-5 year policy terms

Buy Sell Coverage

Disability buy out protection is critical for business partners of privately held business. Protect the equity in a business with buy sell protection.
-Lump sum benefits and monthly benefits available
-Elimination periods from 6-24 months
-Coverage is designed to match the buy sell agreement


Anything outside of the accident and health insurance market that needs to be covered such as:

-Kidnap and ransom
-Contractual protection insurance
-Event cancelations of 12 months
-5 year policy terms


Do you have a prominent sports figure but aren’t sure how to properly provide coverage? E.S.E is the leading brokerage expert in sports coverage. We work with the top London coverholders and underwriters to provide you the best wording, price and service that a professional athlete deserves.
-Leading knowledge in the marketplace
-Best rates/offering
-Expertise in personally owned DI, Loss of Value and DDD
-Over $1,000,000 of sports premium written in our first year of business
-NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, Motor Sports, PGA, LPGA, Extreme Sports, Individual Athletes
-Fully customizable team owned coverage needed to match the buy sell agreement

Group DI

Do you have attorney, executive or medical group? If so clients usually are capped out at $25,000 per month of coverage. Provide an excess group offering that fully insures the entire group, regardless of income, up to 65%. E.S.E can provide multiple top up options for your specific group, above and beyond traditional LTD.
-Monthly and lump sum benefits available
-90 and 180 day waiting periods
-Monthly benefits up to $100,000 per month
-Fully customizable programs and offerings
-Own occupation definition